Service Streams.

Our Allied Health professionals are able to assist Australian consumers across a broad range of funding schemes. Find out more below!

Eligibility Access

Ignite Healthcare provides NDIS access support for individuals requiring new plans or recommencement of funding.

Working closely with experienced Local Area Coordinators and Support Coordinators, our team provides unique strategy to shortcut long waitlists and provide short turn around of results.

The NDIA seek approved diagnoses and supporting evidence to deem NDIS funding eligibility. Supporting evidence can be provided by Ignite allied health practitioners. To find out more review the NDIS page, items 14-18. 

If your diagnosis is listed on the NDIS Lists A-E, our team can quickly provide necessary evidence to ensure you gain the support and funding you need.



Occupational Therapy

Positive Behaviour Therapy

Speech Pathology

Allied Health Assistant

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

NDIS supports the wellbeing of differently abled community whilst also considering supporting families and carers.

Participants are provided with reasonable and necessary supports, with the ability to exercise choice and control in achieving their life goals. 

Ignite clinicians can assist this journey through tailored intervention.

NDIS will fund reasonable and necessary supports to meet participant goals.

Funding will vary between participants and include the following:

  • Core Funding – Covers functional support needs for daily living, participation, access to community supports and activities.
  • Capital Funding – Covers the purchase of one-off items such as equipment, technology or modifications. It also includes funding for Specialist Disability Accommodation.
  • Capacity Building Funding – Supports skill building, training, learning, capacity building, accessing employment, improving health and wellbeing and support coordination.
  • Are you aged between 7 – 65? Support is also provided for kids under the age of 7. 
  • Do you live in Australia and have an Australian residency?
  • Do you usually need support from a person or use special equipment because of a permanent and significant disability?
  • Do you need some supports now to reduce your future needs?

If you have answered ‘Yes’ to all the above questions you may be eligible.

Contact Ignite Healthcare for Access Supports. 

Home Care Package (HCP)

The HCP scheme supports older Australians and Aboriginals/Torres Strait Islanders to continue living independently in the community. It provides individuals with choice and control over their care.

Ignite Healthcare utilises HCP funding to provide support services in your home environment.  

There are four levels in the Home Care Packages.

Individuals will be allocated funding dependent on their current circumstances, requirements and needed support.

  • Are you an Australian over 65 years of age or Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander over the age of 50?
  • Are you an individual living with a disability who needs assistance with living at home?

If you have answered ‘Yes’ to any of the above questions you may be eligible.

To find out more, contact My Aged Care.  


Occupational Therapy

Speech Pathology

Allied Health Assistant




Occupational Therapy

Positive Behaviour Therapy

Speech Pathology

Allied Health Assistant


Ignite Healthcare supports all Australian community members. We accept referrals funded through packages and privately through general practitioners and clinics.

Ignite administrative team are equipped to provide step by step guidance through your  payment options when enquired. 

Ignite Healthcare supports those on Medicare, DVA and private health insurance.

Call our team to find out how we can support you.

Medicare rebates are available for individuals who have chronic or terminal conditions that are overseen by their GP under both Medicare Chronic Disease Management (CDM) items:

  • General Practitioner Management Plan (GPMP)
  • Team Care Arrangements (TCA)