Hello! from the Directors

Hi and welcome to our first ever blog post!

We are the Davids and if you do not know us already, we are the Co-Founders and Directors from Ignite Healthcare. We cannot tell you how thrilled we are to see you here reading this blog, and we are so excited to share our story with you.

Earlier this week, we sat down for an interview with our lovely Social Media Manager, Kara. She asked us a few questions – some quite funny. We hope these questions and answers show you the real US and provide an opportunity to get to know us better!
Sooo, without further ado…

Who Are They?
An Interview with David Squared – The Co-Founders of Ignite Healthcare

  1. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

David Dinca
I reckon I’d be a Jack Russel. I’m small, full of energy and often up to mischief. I once dog-sat a friend’s Jack Russel and I can tell you, they bark a lot! I’ve been known to talk quite a bit so I think it’s my spirit animal.

David Robin
A sloth – seems like a pretty good lifestyle hahaha.

  1. What’s your go to karaoke song and why?

David Dinca
My go to song is “I Want It That Way” by Backstreet Boys. It highlights my smooth and heavenly voice. I always like to act as though it’s the first time I’m singing the song but then, when the beat hits, I turn up the boy band dance moves and belt out the vocals!

David Robin
Neil Diamond – Sweet Caroline. Why? Because good times never seemed so good.

  1. Would you rather be able see the future, teleport or have super strength and why?

David Dinca
Are you kidding me? Definitely seeing into the future. I’d place a few bets, win a few mega millions jack pots, play some tricks on family and friends, and then learn when I am due to lose my hair (so I can emotionally prepare).

David Robin
Teleport! I’d love to be able to explore as much of the world as possible. Also, it would give me way more time for activities!

  1. If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, alive or dead, who would it be and why?

David Dinca
I would have dinner with Jesus of Nazareth. I don’t think there’s been a more influential person in all of history.

David Robin
Robin Williams for sure. He brought so much joy and happiness to me whilst I was growing up, so I’d love to be able to thank him for that.

Okay down to the nitty gritty…

  1. What drew you to healthcare and starting a business?

David Dinca
My niece, Alice, was born with severe cerebral palsy. She is the biggest influence in my life and I like to think her influence extends throughout the Ignite team. In her own special way, she is caring for the many we care for in the community.

David Robin
I’ve have a few relatives who work in the medical space, and I’ve always been fascinated by science. I also have a natural inclination to want to help those most vulnerable, so starting Ignite Healthcare really aligned to my personal values.

  1. What are your biggest achievements in your career?

David Dinca
For me, during our first team event, it was a sobering moment to see how the staff had grown. To know that these talented individuals were day in, day out, wearing the Ignite uniform, was very humbling and brought me great joy. I like to think our biggest achievement is the incredible team who choose to come on this journey with us.

David Robin
Honestly, so far, the rapid growth of Ignite Healthcare over the past 24 months has been a massive achievement in my books. The incredible amount of passion generated by clinicians for what they do, has been instrumental in Ignite Healthcare’s success.

  1. What have been the biggest challenges in your career?

David Dinca
Covid. Who else can relate? It was not an easy time! There were many 14 hour days worked and quite a few sleepless nights. We managed to pull through and I feel we are more resilient as a result. We couldn’t have made it without our dedicated team. I am grateful for each one of them.

David Robin
Learning to balance the ups and downs that come with running a business. It’s very easy to become overenthusiastic when things are going well and equally, over-pessimistic when things don’t play out as expected. Finding the right balance, being pragmatic and realistic in all scenarios is something I’m continuing to work on.

  1. Where do you see Ignite going in the next 5 years?

David Dinca
I truly believe that Ignite Healthcare will have a national presence – spreading our influence from the densest to the thinnest markets. We’ll be affecting change in the industry, while having accessible disability care at the centre of all we do.

David Robin
I see Ignite moving into several states around Australia, finding solutions to be able to service not only metro, but rural and remote communities that are often neglected. One of our values is ‘accessibility’ and outreach to remote communities is one way that we can achieve that goal!


If you are still reading, we are glad you stuck around to get to know us better! If you want to learn more about what we do at Ignite Healthcare, head to our website. Or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.